Upgrading to Edgy Eft

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Tue Jul 4 22:12:27 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-07-04 at 15:20 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:

> And that's simply insulting.  I've been trying to read _all_ these posts,

Dude, chill. I was friendly.

>  It's completely unreasonable to expect anyone to
> be able to read every single post to _any_ given thread.  

Yeah, I said it doesn't matter

> That is merely a blueprint (from well before creation of the Edgy archive)
> for what they _want_ to do with Edgy.  

It says that it will be rough and that even after its release users who
want the greatest stability might prefer 6.06

> There has been no "this is Edgy,
> find it here..." announcement.

This should tell you something

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