Dapper on Hp ML310 "G3"
Joan Valduvieco
joan at laigu.net
Tue Jul 4 07:31:21 UTC 2006
You are not rude. :) I'm planning to buy one. So I can't try to install Dapper
on it. I'm sure that I could manage to install Dapper on it using patches or
kernels from kernel.org but I'm interested on using distribution kernels in
order to ease mantenaince. :)
That's why I'm asking for some installation experiences. If someone has had
success I would buy one otherwise I'm considering a Dell or an Acer Altos
G320 Server.
This machine is a server, the typical proliant server. A quick spec can be
found here.
I'm specially concerned about SATA RAID controller.
A Dimarts 04 Juliol 2006 00:56, Duncan Lithgow va escriure:
> On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 22:44 +0200, Joan Valduvieco wrote:
> > Does anybody have experience installing Ubuntu Dapper on Hp ML310 G3 ? Is
> > it fully supported?
> What is an Hp ML310 G3? Server/ laptop/ workstation? Do you have one?
> Have you tried to install 6.06 on it?
> I hope you don't think I'm being rude, but it would be nice if you could
> tell everyone what _you_ have done to find an answer before asking
> everyone to help you...
> Duncan
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