GPL compliance

Gary W. Swearingen garys at
Sat Jul 1 20:54:20 UTC 2006

ubuntu at writes:

> In common parlance, you might say the user has the right to it, but in
> the more legal sense, that isn't the case.  For the most part, the
> distinction between one side being forced to provide and the other
> side's right to acquire is small.

Oh, no, I agree that it's imporant.  I just didn't understand that you
meant "right to acquire"; I thought your language included the right
to use, etc.  Sorry for not reading between the words.

> True, but as the lawyers say, for the terms of this discussion, it is a
> difference without distinction. :)

Fine. I agree, though an awful lot of people make untrue statements by
being sloppy, especially since the GPL explicitly allows distribution
even of derivatives, say, within a local network, without following
the terms & conditions for publishing the source, etc.

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