making mldonkey handle bittorrent downloads

ulrich steffens ulrich at
Tue Jan 31 12:39:50 UTC 2006

Am Dienstag, den 31.01.2006, 20:05 +0900 schrieb Dave M G:
> Ubuntu Users,
>     I have Mldonkey handling most of my P2P needs. However, I have not 
> been able to configure it to be the default client for bittorrent downloads.
>     In Firefox, I've tired pointing to "mldonkey" as the default 
> application for bittorrents, that does not seem to be the way to make it 
> work. Perhaps since mldonkey is some sort of server and not an 
> application (?) it requires special set up.
>     If anyone can tell me how to get bittorrents to be handled by 
> mldonkey, that would be great.
>     Thank you for any advice.
there is no need to set up things like that. just put the torrent in
~/.mldonkey/torrents/ and mldonky will automatically start downloading.



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