AMD Dual Core CPU's & HT Tech

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at
Tue Jan 31 06:50:49 UTC 2006

Russ wrote:
> Hi All,
> This question is kinda related so I thought I would ask it here.
> Considering an Intel (not AMD) chip between the HT tech or dual core.
> Which would be better for a normal desktop that is used for small 
> amounts of gaming and large amounts of video watching, video editing, 
> picture editing, usually running multiple programs at once (running 
> dual boot Linux & XP with several Virtual Machines - VMWare).
Intel dual core chips only have a ~25% gain in performance on multi 
threaded performance, and lose performance in single threaded 
applications when compared to the latest single core chips, because they 
run at lower clock speeds and higher latencies. For running multiple 
programs at once, a lower frequency dual core processor, although unless 
your going to be running many programs regularly, it's probably not good 
value for money. By many I mean much more than standard desktop use. For 
gaming the faster single cored processor will give better performance 
because mot games are still not multi-threaded.
> I am getting a new computer and I am just wondering which I should go 
> with. Any comments would be appreciated.
I would advise AMD for any dual core performance, because most reviews I 
have read rate them as performing better because of far lower latencies, 
and no frequency downgrade to cope with eat issues. Also, you can run 
them in 64-bit, gaining approxiamtely double the speed (I know not 
actually, but things happen almost twice as fast in terms of real world 
experience, which is the thing that counts).
> Thanks
> Russ

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