OT: Cleaning a FILTHY Computer

Billy Pollifrone billy at silverbaseball.com
Mon Jan 30 18:45:22 UTC 2006

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> Third, most air compressors supply the air at somewhere between 80 and
> 125 psig (about 5.5 to 8.6 bar) so unless you crank the regulator back
> to a much lower pressure. the velocity of the air stream could cause
> some damage to connectors, etc. (But it would be fun to watch the
> cooling fans spin.)
I normally use cans of air since they are cheap enough. If the person
using the compressor doesn't know if it feeds oil or what PSI it uses or
can be adjusted to, I wouldn't recommend using the compressor at all.
:-) On a side note, how much more water is left after filtering? More
than a rather humid room?

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