Un-Installing Ubuntu

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Sat Jan 28 02:15:06 UTC 2006

Dean Lee a écrit :
> Hi,
> Currently I have 2 OS installed at my laptop (XP & Ubuntu5.04--Intel), and
> because I really need to use extra space in my HD, I will need to uninstall
> the Ubuntu. Could someone help me in doing that since I have never done that
> before. Please give me the full steps necessary for doing that. =)
> Cheers.
With your Ubuntu CD you can create a Fat32 partition out of it. But you 
cannot create a Ntfs partition that way. You go to expert mode in the 
installer, erase the partitions you want to suppress and format them to 
Fat32 before quitting the install (go back main menu, direction arrow 
down the screen, quit the install) Then you'll need to reinstall the 
Windows bootloader (with the Windows CD).
I can't fancy another method.
That's a pity not to continue, but maybe you'll buy one more HDD one of 
these days ?  :)
Regards, Joyce Markoll.

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