Cannot Surf Internet, but I can Ping

Tod Merley todbot88 at
Fri Jan 27 23:42:12 UTC 2006

Please see what follows post:

> Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 10:57:02 -0500
> From: Eric Dunbar <eric.dunbar at>
> Subject: Re: Cannot Surf Internet, but I can Ping
> To: Ubuntu Help and User Discussions <ubuntu-users at>
> Message-ID:
>        <77520bee0601270757p471cc240l52fd1f2abb5336b8 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> I'll add a me too.
> Until Monday I was getting ready to toss my router and buy a new one
> until I had the epiphany that my problem was possibly with the DNS
> server in the router -- looking up URLs would take FOREVER, but, once
> a connection was established I would have normal ADSL connection
> speeds. I manually populated the DNS server entries in my router
> (using the very same DNS server IPs that it reported in its Router
> Status page ;-) and my internet is much better now.
> Now, this leads me to wonder if my router is dying anyway.
> Eric.
> On 1/27/06, Steve Tripp <progressivepenguin at> wrote:
> > It's a DNS issue.  In Gnome go to Administration and Networking then
> > select the DNS tab.  If it is empty, find the DNS servers for your ISP
> > (in your router's settings) and put them in there, although if you are
> > using DHCP it is usually automatic.
> >
> > Using command line, open /etc/resolv.conf and insert nameserver and
> > the ip of the dns server like so:
> >
> > nameserver
> >
> > Hope this helps.
> > Steve Tripp
> >
> > On 1/27/06, Kevin Purcell <kevin at> wrote:
> > > Just installed Ubuntu and am having the following problem.
> > >
> > > I opened Firefox and could not surf.  I entered my router's address
> and it
> > > is connected to the Internet.  So I tried pinging it and it sees the
> router
> > > and my network storage device.  So the network works.  I then tried
> pining
> > > (in terminal) the address of my ISP listed in the status page of my
> Linksys
> > > Router (it is a WRT54G).  It pinged okay without any packet loss.  A
> little
> > > slower than in Windows, but at least it works. Don't know any other
> Internet
> > > numeral addresses, so don't know if I can ping anything other than my
> ISP.
> > > I tired pinging and and and all
> failed.
> > >
> > > Any idea how to fix this?
> > >
> > > Thanks

I had a similar problem as follows:

HI List!

  I am now in a home with Quest DSL wireless and eithernet for internet.  It

is not mine and the owner is a bit "password challenged" so access to the
DSL modem (to update firmware) is not an option.  Basically, the owner uses
a system using other than linux which is used for school and work.  It is
stable for them so I am welcome to do what I can working from outside the

  The FC4 box (a desktop) attached via DHCP fine.  Then the problems

  I noticed that Konqueror would browse (and Kget would download) fine but
Firefox would browse intermittently (actually not very often and almost
never to any major sites such as or

  The problem did not exist when the computers were used outside of the
Quest DSL home.

  A look at a network traffic recording (tcpdump -w & Ethereal) showed that
DNS queries from Konqueror were answered properly but DNS queries from
Firefox were either resulted in a server-fail reply or in an apparent reply
address of "".  When Firefox replied with the "" address the
network never replied and the system timed out.

  If IPv6 DNS was disabled in Firefox (Using "about:config" in the URL line
then setting "network-dns-IPv6-disable default Boolean false"  to
"network-dns-IPv6-disable User Set  Boolean true") then Firefox browsed
fine. It appeared that we had an IPv6 DNS problem.

  Now, in Fedora if you disable IPv6 (add "alias net-pf-10 off" to
/etc/modprobe.conf and reboot) then Firefox will browse fine "dns-IPv6" in
Firefox set or not. But I had changed to Ubuntu on the main machine since it
was more compatible with some of the software I desire to use.  I found no
successful way to disable IPv6 in Ubuntu.  I did, however, happen across one
who mentioned that disabling the use of the DSL modem as a name server
eliminated the faulty DNS queries.  Indeed, a simple "# " added to the
"nameserver" line in the "resolv.conf" file in "etc" cured the
network connection problems for internet access from the Ubuntu machine

Probably I will leave the Fedora machine with IPv6 disabled and the Ubuntu
machine with IPv6 enabled but taking care to see that Ubuntu does not use
the DSL modem DNS.

I hope this is useful!


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