Bluecurve on Ubuntu Dapper Flight 3 PPC.

Jochen Skulj jochen at
Thu Jan 26 20:29:48 UTC 2006

Hi Brian,

Brian Durant schrieb:

> I have been looking at a Bluecurve thread
> <> in Ubuntu forums and
> would like to try it out. The only thing is that they always refer to
> i386 .rpm packages. Fedora comes out in a PPC version as well. I
> actually have burned the Fedora Core 4 PPC .iso files to CD, so
> Bluecurve PPC .rpm packages should be on them somewhere, or maybe
> someone knows of an easier way to find the needed packages??? I want to
> Bluecurve everything, but I don't want to end up mixing gtk1 and gtk2
> packages if possible. Dapper  FLight 3 PPC is pretty stable, but I
> dnon't want to add the straw that breaks the camel's back.

there is another way to install Bluecurve on Ubuntu that might be easier
for you. On

you can find a Debian package for Bluecurve (actually it's included in
the tar.gz file that can be downloaded on this page). Don't install the
package like you are used to do - installing this package might even not
work on Debian itself. But you can open the deb file with file-roller
and extract the included file data.tar.gz. This file contains the Gnome
theme and icon theme that can just be copied to the appropiate
directories .themes/ and .icons/ in your home directory so that you can
use this theme (if you really want to use it, I personally *love*
Ubuntu's Human theme).

I didn't test this on Dapper but only on Breezy. I don't have a PPC,
either, but I assume that this might not be important, since it's just
another Gnome theme.

Cheers, Jochen
Jochen Skulj
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