Default root password

Duncan Lithgow duncan at
Thu Jan 26 07:04:43 UTC 2006

Russ wrote:

> Well, since I had no idea what 'sudo' meant, I skipped on by it. I was 
> looking for something that would tell me that root was set by default 
> with such and such password. If I had been aware that Ubuntu didn't 
> use root, I could have traced it out. It is a simple thing to find an 
> answer when you know what you are looking for. Now that I know the 
> answer, that same search nets all the answers.
> Someone else said it right, it should say something in the setup 
> process. I actually installed this sucker twice thinking I somehow 
> missed it. 

Good point. I might have jumped on you for not searching too, but fiar 
enough that you skipped sudo not knowing what it is - reasonable course 
of action - until you didn't find the answer at least.

I just checked the 'Ubuntu FAQ Guide' (the one you get by clicking the 
life-ring icon and chossing 'Ubuntu 5.10 Starter Guide' - don't ask why 
the two names) and can't find mention of sudo vs. root account. The 
closest I could quickly find was under 'Tips and Tricks' and was about 
starting nautilus as root.

That's not very good really.

I've also sent this to the Ubuntu-doc list, maybe they can do something 
about it.


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