how to recover lost files

Duncan Lithgow duncan at
Tue Jan 24 14:59:04 UTC 2006

Darryl Clarke wrote:

>1) from "Computer" - if you go Places -> Computer you will have a view
>of all your drives, select and right click your drive and unmount.
As you'll have seen in other parts of this thread, this _ought_ to be 
the case but isn't. are you running a standard system?

>2) from any nautilus window - if you have the Side Panel on (F9) and
>in Tree mode, you can right click on your drive and unmount.
Same as above

>3) from command line/terminal - using 'df' you can find the mount
>points and use 'umount /media/disk'
that works as expected, but must be 'umount /media/usbdisk'

>4) from a panel you can add the 'Disk Mounter' applet and use it accordingly.
Just have and it seems to work great, except now I have 6 extra icons in 
the top panel, that's why I hid them from the desktop - I only expect to 
have a gui to unmount _removable_ media.

Thanks for the ideas. Come on Ubuntu team, this should be an easy one to 
fix... (and isn't in Dapper)


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