Sounder list (Was: Judaism, Islam, The Debate----Windows, Linux, The Debate ****JUST STOP IT!!!!****)

Senectus . senectus at
Tue Jan 24 06:18:38 UTC 2006

On 1/24/06, Chanchao <custom at> wrote:
> Hello Senectus,
> Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 10:40:38 AM, you wrote:
> >> Is this list still in operation?  I subscribed, but there don't seem
> >> to be any posts?
> S> Very much so.. Go look at the archive you'll see at least one a day on it..
> One post a day!  Hmm..  I guess ranting on OS-politics is more fun in
> places where it's not allowed/appropriate. :)
> I was going to start something like "If you had to come up with a
> recipe for an "Ubuntu-dessert", what would it be / taste like?"
> But with one post a day it'll be months before I have something
> suitable to serve at our next Ubuntu-dinner gathering.

Well maybe you could try that _now_...
It's only going to get used if people post to it.
At the moment it's mostly being used for "announcement" type threads..

Ubuntu Breezy 5.10
The less you know, the more you believe. - Bono

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