Some surprise while "dd-ing" a video DVD...

Nancy Rudins nrudins at
Sun Jan 22 15:28:27 UTC 2006

On Fri, 20 Jan 2006, Andrea Giuliano wrote:

> Okay, I think I almost got it, now: since some sectors can only be 
> decrypted at hardware level, an attempt to read them with the 
> appropriate system calls would give an I/O error, right?
> This explains also the following: I had right here another system with a 
> different drive, but the same OS (Breezy), and I don't need libdvdcss to 
> copy the same video DVDs with dd. I can remove libdvdcss it completely, 
> eject and reload the disc, or even another one, and dd works fine till 
> the end of the disc. I guess this means that this particular drive is 
> able to give the OS access to encrypted sectors without the need of 
> libdvdcss, right?
> But please, lead me to some good documentation, I don't want to bother 
> the other users on the list with this issue any more, nor you yourself, 
> except you explicitly tell me you don't mind to carry on the discussion 
> a bit between us.
> Best regards.
> Phillip Susi wrote:

A few links I've used:

If you have access to Usenet newsgroups, there are a few good
newsgroups there:

Kind regards,

Nancy Rudins    nrudins at

Take a sad song and make it better.  (lennon/mccartney)

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