Brian Durant RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com
Wed Jan 18 07:56:51 UTC 2006

On 18. jan 2006, at 7.12, Chanchao wrote:

> BD> How does the SUDO work on a live CD? For example to get the  
> ethernet
> BD> configured in KDE with Kubuntu Dapper flight 3, I get prompted for
> BD> going into admin mode.
> I don't.. (Breezy Live CD..) It just opens up. (All of the
> administration panels).  Of course no changes are saved anywhere after
> a reboot.
> For changes to the preferences panels, those seem to be mostly saved
> in the user's (user 'ubuntu') home folder, which can be manually
> backed up and restored after a reboot.

Hi Chanchao,

With the Kubuntu  PPC Dapper flight 3 live-cd, when I go to admin  
mode, all netork connections are greyed out and it isn't possible to  
change anything (like get the ethernet working). That is why I  
thought it had something to do with sudo, but I guess this is a more  
fundamental issue with Dapper.



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