Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Lionel lionelv at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 23:04:25 UTC 2006

Dick Davies wrote:
> On 17/01/06, Lionel <lionelv at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  You are
>> getting it for FREE. You are getting it for FREE. A lot of people put a
>> lot of hard work into Linux and get nothing in return, consider yourself
>> lucky that people are out there trying.
> So because it's free, you're aren't allowed to complain about it?
> That' s a very silly argument. Try drinking sewer water, but please don't
> complain about the typhoid.

That's a very silly statement because using linux is a choice as is 
drinking sewer water. So if drinking sewer water is your choice by all 
means go for it, just leave us out of your disturbing hobbies, though 
it's probably not much worse than using M$, it's probably ethically 
better as you are recycling water and looking after the environment.


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