Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Dick Davies rasputnik at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 14:51:06 UTC 2006

On 17/01/06, m_epling@ <m_epling at comcast.net> wrote:
>      look winblows doesn't run on all types of hardware and Linux even less

That's just plain wrong.

> . i enjoy how the os works and i get Linux friendly hardware which is 10
> times cheaper than windows hardware ,

So's that. You pay a premium for decent hardware (e.g. real modems) whereas
any old crap has a windows driver.

> when vista ships the specs call for a
> full gig of memory just for min requirements ... i say no thanks to that
> ill keep Linux and you pay Microsoft and the industry for the extra stuff
> you need to stay with windows  ...be happy and stop trolling here

I never mentioned windows - I haven't run a windows box in the last 7 years.

Your point is still silly (so is using the word 'troll' blindly, incidentally).


>  Dick Davies wrote:
>  On 17/01/06, Lionel <lionelv at gmail.com> wrote:

>  You are
> getting it for FREE. You are getting it for FREE. A lot of people put a
> lot of hard work into Linux and get nothing in return, consider yourself
> lucky that people are out there trying.
>  So because it's free, you're aren't allowed to complain about it?
> That' s a very silly argument. Try drinking sewer water, but please don't
> complain about the typhoid.

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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