Ubuntu on Mac Laptops

Bob Nielsen nielsen at oz.net
Tue Jan 17 17:47:20 UTC 2006

On Jan 17, 2006, at 7:57 AM, jack jackson wrote:

> Thanks Scott and Eric. Eric, I understand that it's going to be a  
> bit tricky but basically I wonder this:
> If I hand compile the driver and install it, will I be able at this  
> stage to associate with a WiFi Access Point and communicate while  
> WPA or at the very least WEP encrypted? I'm all for geeking and  
> tweaking to get to that point, but if I can do that it would be great

I haven't tried the PPC driver yet, but setting up a i386 machine  
(also a broadcom chip but ndiswrapper did the trick in that case) was  
fairly easy.  See
<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto>.  You will probably need to  
download the wireless-tools package to a USB memory stick and install  
it before getting everything to work.

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