Ubuntu/Kubuntu on Mac G5.

Brian Durant globetrotterdk at mac.com
Tue Jan 17 13:29:48 UTC 2006

Thanks. Here is my first experience after having downloaded and  
burned Kubuntu Dapper (Flight 3) Live CD:

1) rsync failed on boot.
2) Got an error message that atsd had crashed.
3) When I went into the netwok connections panel, I got prompted as  
to my configuration as KDE didn't recognize it. Set it to Ubuntu  
Breezy, but got prompt every time I opened the system prefs. Even  
with the config set to Breezy, the connections remained grayed out,  
so I couldn't set the Ethernet to active status as I could with the  
Ubuntu (Gnome) Dapper 3 Live CD version.
4) Same fan acceleration as in Ubuntu.
5) Startup graphics pixelated as in Ubuntu.
6) KDE was irritating in general as it kept prompting for a root/ 
administrator password (what is it on a live CD?).
7) Kicker either crashed on shutdown or else the message was hidden  
behind the artsd crash message.

Anything I can do about any of the above from the live CD? Should I  
risk an install? Are these issues fixable if I install?



On 17. jan 2006, at 0.01, john levin wrote:

> Brian Durant wrote:
>> Hi,
> Can only help you with q3:
>> 3) Kubuntu Dapper (Flight 3) Live CD (I only found Ubuntu and want  
>> to  decide which one I want to install.).
> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-3/
> John
> -- 
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