Windows, Linux, The Debate: which is best?

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Tue Jan 17 13:09:39 UTC 2006

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 14:25:53 +0200
"Billy Verreynne \(JW\)" <VerreyB at> wrote:

> > How about this idea:
> <snipped>
> Like communism and socialism, a great idea. Working together for The
> Greater Good. Like communism and socialism it will fail most misrably.

 Funny, it seems to have produced a whole operating system, and
applications, which presumably you are using too... on principle then,
should you not renounce the use of this clearly subversive GNU/Linux,
since, according to you, co-operative productions are doomed to a lingering
death of false hopes, and epically political/historical proportions?

Equally odd is the fact that every day I see many people on-line working
together, and every six months producing a staggeringly complex set of
packages that mostly work rather well. I must have a perceptual disorder,
or be dreaming perhaps...

> Never mind the definition and content/substance of the greater good.
> Some simply does not give a damn about that which the bleeding hearts
> and artists call The Greater Good.

Not sure if I'm a Bleeding Heart - I'm supposed to be an artist,
according to some, but Linux keeps getting in the way, what with
working for the "Greater Good" on IRC channels, and reading mailing lists
and all... maybe I'm a pinko or an anarchist - what do you think? I'm
deeply worried, really.

But you've convinced me: - clearly, I shouldn't be trying to help,
answering questions, or learning more about Ubuntu. it's a pipe dream,
obviously. Thank you for opening my eyes to my folly and the fatuity of
my innocent idealism!

> This argument of Windows vs. Linux will simply degrade into Linux
> distro vs. Linux distro.

Your cynicism is mildly entertaining, if badly thought out - your
conclusions appear to be what I was taught in school to recognise as " non


P.S. Still and all, a good off-topic debate is fun once in a while, even
for Bleeding Hearts and distracted artistic types ;-)

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