Windows, Linux, The Debate: which is best?

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at
Tue Jan 17 13:05:45 UTC 2006

Billy Verreynne (JW) wrote:

>Amichai Rotman wrote:
>>How about this idea:
>Like communism and socialism, a great idea. Working together for The
>Greater Good. Like communism and socialism it will fail most misrably.
>Never mind the definition and content/substance of the greater good.
>Some simply does not give a damn about that which the bleeding hearts
>and artists call The Greater Good.
>This argument of Windows vs. Linux will simply degrade into Linux
>distro vs. Linux distro.
Firstly, I disagree, because linux has major commercial backing (eg. 
IBM), and these companies expect to gain from it, not just to invest for 
nothing. It is a very capitalist phenomenon now, even if it started 
otherwise, and no longer has much in common in socialism or communism.

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Secondly, have you heard of a kibbutz? It's a socialist collective in 
Israel. They've survived for almost 1000 years, and they are truly 
socialist, in the most literal sense of the word. If you look up a 
definition of socialism, it is a perfect description of a kibbutz.


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