Let's face it. Windows does do some thing better.

ulrich steffens ulrich at barfuss-jerusalem.org
Tue Jan 17 08:02:54 UTC 2006

Am Dienstag, den 17.01.2006, 12:41 +1100 schrieb Sasha Tsykin:
> Senectus . wrote:
> >On 1/17/06, Frank McCormick <fmccormick at videotron.ca> wrote:
> ><some serious snippage>
> >  
> >
> >>My sentiments exactly. My wife still runs XP and while she is interested at times in Linux, there is no way I would put it on her machine. She is used to running almost ANY video/audio file without problems. She is used to logging onto CNN and watching Videos automatically, she is used to watching movie trailers full-screen if she want to, she is used to being able to use Nero's clean clear interface to burn the odd CD, she is used to not having problems with many websites Linux/Firefox/Opera etc cannot handle perfectly. HOWEVER I still have to run the spyware removal programs, and fix the odd problem for her.
> >>
> >>Windows XP is miles ahead of almost any Linux in the day to day operations 90% of the people I know need.
> >>
> >>And no I am not a Windows troll. I have been running Linux ranging from Slackware to Mepis to Debian to Ubuntu for 3 years. I don't dual boot. But I figure one machine running Windows is plenty in this house. It works for her as Linux works for me 95% of the time.
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >I'd have to disagree with you.
> >_Windows_ does nothing better than Linux.
> >It's the fact that there is _so_ much written for Windows, and the
> >fact that the standard is a Windows standard that keeps people from
> >swapping over.
> >I'd put good money on the fact that if the standards used in computing
> >were opened up, we'd see a _massive_ shift in the market.
> >
> >
> >--
> >www.modmeup.net
> >Ubuntu Breezy 5.10
> >The less you know, the more you believe. - Bono
> >
> >  
> >
> Are you saying that linux is easier to set up and use than windows?
have you ever used a normal windows installer? not the resue-installers
that overwrite every bit of your data, i mean the plain win installer.
the hit-F8-if-you-accept-the-license one. 
if this is considered an easy to use installer, then i don't know what.

>  If 
> so, than I would have to disagree with you entirely. What about 
> multimedia support? Just getting asf videos to work in linux can be a 
> chore, and once you have, they work badly. How about browser plugins? 
> Flash 8 has come out for windows, and not linux. As for software 
> standards being opened up, what would that do? The only thing in your 
> post which I agree with is that windows is the measuring post against 
> which other operating systems are judged.
> This is not to say that I think windows is better than linux. If that 
> were so, the I would use it. I prefer linux and so I use Ubuntu, because 
> it is my favourite linux, but I am not silly enough to say that either 
> a) it is perfect, or b) it has nothing to learn from windows.
> Sasha
ulrich steffens
ulrich at barfuss-jerusalem.org

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