Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Rafael Alexandre Schmitt rafasch at uol.com.br
Mon Jan 16 15:05:56 UTC 2006

* Michael T. Richter (ttmrichter at gmail.com) wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-15-01 at 21:52 -0200, Rafael Alexandre Schmitt wrote:
> > And?? Who cares??
> I would assume that the people who want to make money from it care.  If
> that doesn't include you, please feel free to ignore these messages.  In
> fact, why don't you add "ttmrichter at gmail.com" to your ignore file right
> now?  Then you won't ever have to see another opinion which disagrees
> with yours ever again.

I don't understand why are you beeing emotional about this.

Anyway , if you think that posting on this list complaining about how
things doesn't work for you will help , you are very wrong.

I've been seeing this kind of thing for long time and it never helps.

Join Ubuntu team and try to make things work , translating , coding ,
debuging or whatever you can.

Complaining will not help you or anyone.

Rafael Alexandre Schmitt
Blumenau - Santa Catarina - Brasil
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