Ubuntu is not Firefox friendly

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at gmail.com
Sun Jan 15 14:24:37 UTC 2006

Gordon McCammick wrote:

>On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 10:20:40 +0100
>Colin Brace <cb at lim.nl> wrote:
>>On 1/15/06, 'Forum Post <ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org> wrote:
>>>It works fine for me. Except java enabled sites.
>>>I can't install java-support in Firefox.
>>I've been perplexed by this as well.  Java installed fine in 1.07 and
>>earlier, but Firefox v1.5 refuses to see the java plugin. 
>I guess it depends on how and where firefox is installed.
>I have 1.5 installed in /usr/local/firefox (from tarball) - manually
>creating the symlink from java plugin to /usr/local/firefox/plugins was
>all that was required to enable java support
>>This section on the wiki therefore appears to be out of date:
>Y'know I've never considered creating a /home/username/.mozilla/plugins
>directory - guess it doesn't matter how you do it on a single user box.
For what it's worth, I installed firefox 1.5 fine in breezy by just 
unpacking the tarball into my home directory and then making the 
necessary symlinks for plugns, etc. However, my 64-bit firefox 1.0.7 
would randomly exit frequently, usually within half and hour after being 
started. I would probably agree that Ubuntu is not particularly Firefox 
friendly for some reason.

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