Lost password

Phillip Susi psusi at cfl.rr.com
Sun Jan 15 03:15:45 UTC 2006

It's a lot easier to just boot into rescue mode and run passwd to reset 
your password. 

Bob Nielsen wrote:

> Oops, this got sent before I was finished--
> On Jan 14, 2006, at 6:38 PM, Bob Nielsen wrote:
>> On Jan 14, 2006, at 5:10 PM, Douglas Alves wrote:
>>> No doubt this has been discussed before, so please excuse my asking
>>> Having forgotten the password to my home ubuntu desktop, what options
>>> would I have to recover my system?
>> Boot with a live CD, mount the / partition and edit /etc/passwd,  
>> changing your entry
> If you don't have shadow installed, boot with a live CD, mount / and  
> edit /etc/passwd, changing your entry to remove the text between the  
> first two colons.  If shadow is installed do this to /etc/shadow  
> instead.  If you don't have a live CD (or some sort of rescue CD) you  
> can possibly do this with an installation CD by hitting F2 to get a  
> prompt after the basics have been installed (hopefully including some  
> sort of editor such as vi or nano).  I keep a copy of Tom's rtbt  
> floppy around for such things.

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