Resizing multiple image files at once

J.Markoll j.markoll at
Sun Jan 15 02:04:40 UTC 2006

Ronny Haryanto a écrit :
> On Sunday 15 January 2006 12:27, J.Markoll wrote:
>>Hi Ronny, if I say I'd like to read more precise explanations, would it
>>be a problem ? yes I know difficult to be more precise. :(
>>Example, should it look like:
>>In a text editor,
>>for img in *.jpg; do echo $img; mogrify -resize 640x480 $img; done
>>then 'save as' (for ex: image-resize) and then, make it executable with
>>chmod a+x
> Joyce,
> No problem. You could do as above (saving as a script), but I usually just 
> type one-liners like that in the shell directly. I had done that often enough 
> to remember the syntax :-)
> One thing I forgot is to use quotes, just in case the files have spaces in 
> their names, like this:
> for img in *.jpg; do echo "$img"; mogrify -resize 640x480 "$img"; done
>>And also, according to your knowledge is there a first steps imagemagick
>>documentation ?
> Might want to check the website, I'm sure they have documentation. I only use 
> mogrify and convert, other than that I'm not too familiar with imagemagick.
> Hope that answers your question.
> Ciao,
> Ronny
Yes great, thanks!
Greetings, Joyce Markoll.

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