SATA disk not recognised by Breezy

Scott angrykeyboarder at
Sat Jan 14 23:33:35 UTC 2006

Phillip Susi wrote:
> Scott wrote:
>> Indeed.  My two SATA disks are dev/sda and dev/sdb so it sounds like 
>> your boot CD isn't right either.
>> My SATA problem has been getting Linux to work with SATA RAID, which 
>> I've finally given up on.
> You might want to read  It isn't 
> all that hard once you know what you have to do.  I've been trying to 
> get support for this built into dapper, but with the UVF coming in a few 
> days, it might have to wait for dapper+1. 

I've read it. It's waay too much trouble for me.  And actually had my 
computer been configured as I'd asked when ordered it 13 months ago, 
this would not be an issue.   I knew then that SATA RAID was difficult 
at best with Linux, so I specified "no RAID" when I ordered the 
computer.   Instead they gave me it preconfigured with RAID0.

I'm about to add two more drives and have them attached to the VIA 
onboard controller instead of the Promise controller. I'll also have the 
older drives moved to the VIA as well.    I'm told it's much easier to 
work with the VIA controller.

My problem at present is Windows won't play with the Promise controller 
(yes, that's with the Promise Driver for Windows) unless it's configured 
for RAID 0 (and I've disabled RAID altogether).

So, I'm just going to effectively lose the Promise controller which is 
fine by me.    Besides, my goal from the beginning was to have Windows 
on it's it's own drive.

I'll use two drives for other OSs (e.g. Ubuntu) and the 4th for storage.

But I digress...

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