Visudo invokes GNU nano rather than vi

Dick Davies rasputnik at
Thu Jan 12 12:22:36 UTC 2006

On 12/01/06, neil woolford <lists at> wrote:

> The last time I went near the sudoers file, the command sudo visudo
> invoked (a customised) vi.  That was probably on Warty Warthog...

> Can I change back to vi for this?  The visudo manpage says that vi is
> the default unless a value is set in environment variables EDITOR or
> VISUAL, both of which appear to be empty on my system, so I'm stumped as
> to why this is happening.

I'd guess that you'll find /etc/alternatives/editor is a symlink to /bin/nano.


 sudo update-alternatives --set editor /usr/bin/vim

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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