location of ld.so.conf file on Ubuntu 5.10

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Thu Jan 12 08:26:32 UTC 2006

A. Andria a écrit :
> Hi,
> is there anybody know the location of ld.so.conf file on Ubuntu 5.10?
> I've installed one package from source and need to add a lib address to 
> ld.so.conf.
> I'm trying to find that file but only /etc/ld.so.cache i found.
> Any help would be appreciated.
Several commands available:
$locate ld.so.cache

(do 'updatedb' with sudo, before)

$sudo find / -name 'ld.so.cache*'

the '*' is a mask that says 'find all that starts with 'ld.so.cache' and
ends with any caracter behind.

the 'sudo' is compulsory, but will avoid plenty return messages telling 
all the directories user is not allowed to access to.
There are more commands available, you could browse the command line 
documentations. (Do see on Ubuntu documentation, official or non official)
Greetings, Joyce Markoll.

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