Ubuntu and Multimedia (audio, in particular)

crimsun at fungus.sh.nu crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
Wed Jan 11 15:28:15 UTC 2006

On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 09:28:51PM +0800, Michael Richter wrote:
> 0 [A5451          ]: ALI5451 - ALI 5451
>                      ALI 5451 at 0x8800, irq 11
> 1 [MP3            ]: USB-Audio - Sound Blaster MP3+
>                     Creative Labs Sound Blaster MP3+ at
> usb-0000:00:0c.2-3.1, full speed
> OK, that ran out of the wrong set of speakers (big surprise!), so let
> me fire up the script.

What are the contents of ~/.asoundrc?

> OK, you've got it.  :-D  How do I switch the order of the cards?

In a Terminal:

$ echo "options snd-ali5451 index=-2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base

Afterward it's probably easiest to reboot, but you could use (instead):

$ sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-reload

> choke are AC3-encoded.  Windows, if I lack AC3 capabilities, just
> automagically puts things to stereo.  Apparently Totem won't do that. 
> Can I tell it to do it or am I basically screwed?

There's no automagic downmixing to stereo unless your sound hardware
provides a mixer toggle.

> Hang on!  I'm looking at /proc/asound.  Is changing the order of the
> cards as simple as manipulating the symlinks for card0 and card1?

No, the proper way is to do as I explained above.

> I just tarred the whole asound subtree.  Would it be in any way
> helpful for me to just upload that here as an attachment?  It's about
> 1.4KB (tbz).

No, /proc/asound wouldn't help in tarred form, sorry.
Daniel T. Chen            crimsun at ubuntu.com
GPG key:   www.sh.nu/~crimsun/pubkey.gpg.asc
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