Rhythmbox Rescan Collection / Remove Dupes?

J.Markoll j.markoll at free.fr
Tue Jan 10 21:46:40 UTC 2006

Darryl Clarke a écrit :
> Hi,
> Does anybody know a good/easy way of getting Rhythmbox (by way of
> force) to rescan my collection?
> Also, Is there a way to easily remove (or at least tell me of) duplicates songs?
> It _appears_ to attempt to rescan when I load it, and at regular time
> intervals, but it never seems to add new files automagically.
> I tried by re-adding the folder of music, but it just adds duplicates
> which ends up forcing me to kill the entire library file and start
> from scratch, which takes way too long.
Try Totem-xine. Sometimes using one then other leads to understand 
tricks we didn't notice before, in the other. There is also 
Beep-media-player which is very good, among others.
Greetings, Joyce Markoll.

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