Clamshell iBook, using ubuntu to install Tiger

Olafur Arason olafra at
Tue Jan 10 05:57:03 UTC 2006

I think Tiger or any other large cat are not meant for such
an old computer, that why it on a DVD. But you can try
to use Mac On Linux, it should be possible but it
requires fideling. See
Good luck.

Olafur Arason
2006/1/10, Jay Rimalrick <asciiace at>:
> I have a clamshell iBook 300 mhz with only 1 usb drive
> and cd drive.  I want to install Tiger on the
> clamshell but the Tiger install is a DVD.  Is it
> possible to do the following?
> 1) Boot from the ubuntu live cd
> 2) Plug in my iPod with a custom tiger installer
> 3) Install Tiger on the hard drive.
> Right now the iBook has OS 9 and I just want to get
> Tiger on as painless as possible.  I already tried to
> boot directly from the USB iPod but the iBook will not
> recognize the iPod is connected when booting up or
> running in os 9.  However it does recognize my 256mb
> flash drive so the USB port is working.
> Thank you for your time and any help you can provide!!
>  I am open to anyway to get Tiger on the iBook.
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