Locking the Desktop

David A. Cobb superbiskit at cox.net
Mon Jan 9 19:10:30 UTC 2006

J.Markoll wrote:
> David A. Cobb a écrit :
>> Running UBUNTU Hoary, GNOME 2.10.0
>> Please advise me which screen-locking application to use to make "New 
>> Login" available.  It was working, but a recent update has left it so 
>> that only the user who locked the desktop can unlock it; a different 
>> user cannot start a new session.
> Hello,
> May I ask you to be more accurate in your question ? do you mean 
> another user locked the session, you have to unlock it ? Call the 
> administrator. If it is you, I think become root and change password 
> for that user could do it.
> I don't understand what the update did in locking... either we lock the
> screen or we end a session, so which one ?  :)
No, as originally installed, when the screen locked and the keyboard was 
touched the prompt box included a button "New Login" which allowed to 
open a second session for another user.  Now it does not do so.  And the 
"New Login" ap is still present in my System Tools menu.and it works 
correctly.  But it does take much longer to work than formerly.

And, to answer your question specifically, the case involves my wife 
waking early and trying to log on without having me log out.

David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
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