Virus Scan Software

Anders Karlsson trudheim at
Sat Jan 7 09:18:24 UTC 2006

On 1/7/06, Arlen Christian Mart Cuss <celtic at> wrote:
> Ryan,
> You won't need any virus scanning software for Linux - no real viruses
> have been known to exist. (at least not as long as I've been alive!)
> Cheers,
>     Arlen.

That is not quite true. There are some couple of hundred virii that
affect Linux systems, mainly trojans and worms. Self spreading virii
is much harder to do in Linux due to how the system works, but not

In ubuntu you can install ClamAV easily enough, and there is an
installer for F-Prot as well. The F-prot installer works, but there
was a problem in a perl script handling the updates of dats. Easy
enough to hack and if anyone needs the tweak, mail me.

Anders Karlsson <trudheim at>

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