Virus Scan Software

Old Rocker old.rocker at
Sat Jan 7 02:18:22 UTC 2006

On Friday 06 Jan 2006 23:37, Ryan Thompson wrote:

> Does anyone Know where I can get some free Virus scan software for
> Linux.  I have been have problems with the software that comes in my
> "Add Applications" Function.  I've added it but it doesn't show up in
> my menu; so I haven't Be able to actually try it out.

Try Clam Anti Virus.  Its matured since its early days and now is very 
reliable, with regular updates.  You can get it in the repositories, 
just look for clamav.

Others have said you won't need a virus checker in Linux.  That's true, 
because known Windows viruses won't run in Linux BUT if you're going to 
share files with Windows users, its best to check out files before 
sending them on.

The biggest threat in Linux comes from rootkits, which can allow malware 
to get installed on your machine.  There are two programs to regularly 
run that will detect these: rkhunter and chkrootkit.  They will look 
for Trojans on your system as well and make sure nothing abnormal has 
been found.  Both are in the Ubuntu repositories (probably in universe) 
and both do slightly different jobs.

I run them both daily.


Old Rocker

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