Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

'Forum Post ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Fri Jan 6 10:44:08 UTC 2006

If grub asks me to choose I prefer Ubuntu. 
WinXP is an option but I need it when I have to do certain things -
vector graphics (Illustrator) wysiwyg-webbuild (Dreamweaver). 
In graphic software GIMP has replaced pirated Photoshop. 
I must wait when Inkscape become to same level. Inkscape itself is good
but it needs flexibility and more standard export filters.

Everything else is presented by default by Ubuntu.

Also I enjoyed Automatix. A fine startup package for beginners. So
install Ubuntu and then install Automatix.
Run from Applications menu -> Terminal
Then copy/paste code:

wget http://beerorkid.com/automatix/automatix-ubuntu_4.3-1_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i automatix-ubuntu_4.3-1_i386.deb

After that it asks you another "Enter" for executing this package.
Maybe it asks additionally for password, then type your own

And then open Applications -> System Tools -> Automatix
After that wizard runs above. Read those attentions word-by-word and
after that the main thing opens and it's your choice what to choose
options you need.

At first I chose these apps:
-multimedia codecs - MP3 and so on for all of your multimedia
-Firefox 1.5. It means with all plugins including Java JRE, Macromedia
flashplayer, MPlayer and so on


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