Ion3 a good light GUI.

J.Markoll j.markoll at
Fri Jan 6 05:24:31 UTC 2006

Hello to all,
I wanted to say and remind to all who have more or less trouble with the 
speed and efficiency of their machine, that under Linux distributions we 
can have multiple GUI's installed and login either on one or on the other.

I installed Ion3 a few weeks ago already now, and when running several 
greedy applications at same time, such as Thunderbird, Firefox, plus 
Blender and Galeon, just now, Ion3 allows my machine not to get stocked 
with a freezed GUI.

I just changed session and not even necessery to start the connexion 
again, it's all in the same state where I left the other session, except 
for the GUI.

To start under Ion3 the command is F12 which leads to a very small menu 
from which I run a terminal. (Menu/Programs/Run a terminal, menu 
navigation with arrows and with the escape key) I don't use any of the 
tricks of the key bindings and not even splitting windows.

The terminal takes the whole screen as well as the application's 
interfaces, and it is very comfortable. I have to remember what 
applications are installed, or I run Synaptic incase I need to check 
about one. Particularly as apps and commands for apps don't always have 
the same name  :(

To open one more tab it's with mouse or with Ctrl+Shift, and all 
applications open in new tabs beside one to the other. To close an app a 
right click on one tab offers menus, among which 'close tab'.

Nothing more easy, elegant, and light!  :)
No, it's not difficult tu run for a newbie. My 5 years old son starts 
learning to write in Ion3. He invokes 'pingus', 'supertux', and 
'ppracer', he just comes to me and ask 'and after, which letter is it ?'

To browse the files I use once the terminal, once Konqueror, that I 
installed alone without Kde. I invoque 'konqueror &' the '&' allowing to 
keep the process in  background, but it does not always free the 
terminal, curiously in this case. Never mind, many tabs can be opened in 
the same window.

My machine has 512 Mo memory that I have tested twice with the Gimp 
torture test successfully. The very greedy I see when running qps (which 
is nice and light) are Gnome, and Xorg. So Xorg I can't change, but 
Gnome is good enough to do things like listen to music and surf on the 
web, not much more on 'only' 512 Mo, appearently (I already commented 
two tty over 4 in the /etc/inittab file, a few days ago, to gain a little).

Under Ion3 also I can listen to music, but I'm not used to do everything 
with it yet. A matter of habbits  :)
Best greetings, Joyce Markoll.

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