Keeping Windows partition available to all users

Dave M G martin at
Thu Jan 5 16:21:37 UTC 2006

Ubuntu Users,

	I have a 30 GB Fat32 partition where I happen to have my Windows OS

	I can easily read and copy data from it from within Ubuntu. But I can't
delete or move files. Or, I can if I'm in super user mode. But not as a
regular user.

	Since I'm the only user of my computer, I want to be able to move,
copy, and execute files without regard for the fact that it's on a
separate drive.

	What I have learned so far is that I need to edit /etc/fstab. In that
file, the drive that I want to have access to is referenced like this:
/dev/hda1       /media/hda1     vfat    defaults        0       0

	I've also learned that I need to place in umask. But I tried this:

/dev/hda1       /media/hda1     vfat    umask=0002        0       0

	But no luck.

	What should the syntax be?

	Any advice would be much appreciated.

Dave M G

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