bootable disk for Mac Mini

Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón eduardo.saenz-de-cabezon at
Thu Jan 5 16:12:43 UTC 2006

Tom Jenkins wrote:

>Good day,
>I have tried twice to burn a CD from a downloaded ppc
>version iso image that would boot on my Mac Mini. I
>have inserted the OSX installation disk to make sure I
>know how to boot from CD on this machine, and have
>discovered that one does that by opening "System
>Preferences"  and clicking "Startup Disk." All disks
>available to boot into are listed in the window that
>opens, then. When the OSX installation disk is in the
>optical drive, it shows up as one of the options, when
>the Ubuntu (or Mandriva, for that matter) installation
>disk in in the drive, only the hard drive shows up.
>I'd like to install Linux on this machine, and I'd
>like to give Ubuntu a try, although I have been a
>satisfied Mandrake/Mandriva user for several years, so
>I'd appreciate any help I can get with this.
It happened to me that I couldn't see the linux installation disk as a 
startup disk from preferences, but even though I could boot from it just 
pressing the "C" key while booting, the the installation went ok

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