Shared Windows/Linux Drive Problems

James Gray james at
Wed Jan 4 06:35:31 UTC 2006

On Wed, 4 Jan 2006 17:00, Ryan Thompson wrote:
> I am having problems getting permissions to Read/Write/Execute on a
> shared partition.  I have access with Root but all my other users can
> only read/execute.  Tried a chmod 777 but that didn't work.  Can anyone
> help?

I assume the shared partition is a windows-type file system?  If it's NTFS, 
then you're stuck with read-only unless you want take your luch with 
extremely experimental write support.

If the shared partition is FAT32 then have a read of the mount options 
available for "munging" permissions in "man mount".  Specifically look at 
umask, uid and gid.  Consider making the mount gid=foo, add all the users 
you want to have full permission to the shared partition to the "foo" group 
then umask=002.  As I said, more info require, or "man mount" and DIY :)

FWIW, I use an ext2 partition on my lappy for a shared space, then installed 
an EXT2 driver for Windows that makes it possible to use it as a NATIVE 
Windows partition with it's own drive letter and everything.  Google is 
your friend (sorry - I'm not in front of my lappy ATM).


	Ludwig Boltzmann, who spend much of his life studying statistical
	mechanics died in 1906 by his own hand.  Paul Ehrenfest, carrying
	on the work, died similarly in 1933.  Now it is our turn.
		-- Goodstein, States of Matter 
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