Alternatives to ubuntu?

J.Markoll j.markoll at
Wed Jan 4 02:25:12 UTC 2006

Old Rocker a écrit :
> On Tuesday 03 Jan 2006 17:12, Filip Svendsen wrote:
> [snipped]
>>I really don't want to go back to windows again, so I'm interested in
>>if anybody knows how well gnome and firefox runs under for example
> They run really well, but as always the trade-off to ensure your whole 
> system runs smoothly is getting down into the depths of Gentoo....

>>Are their other performance-minded distros out there?
> Since you like Ubuntu, I'd suggest you look at Mepis.  Its a Debian 
> based distro which installs well from the CD, and runs in a much more 
> Debian-centric mode.  However you will have to download and burn 
> the .iso file yourself.

> I'd suggest that you look at so you can get a better 
> idea of the comparative strengths and weaknesses of each distro
Many distributions offer a Live version now, otherwise to test, Qemu is
available. Mepis can also be found here:

as well as many distributions.

Is it worth changing distribution just because of a navigator ? Other 
than Firefox do exist too. Such as Galeon, and a few others as ie in the 
left column of this site :

For the GUI if you didn't try Xfce4.2 you could take a look. Plenty 
lovely menus, so cute, easy to configure and fast.
Joyce Markoll.

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