Ubuntu Screen Res Issues

vilaweb casamance amaisembe at vilaweb.com
Tue Jan 3 18:07:01 UTC 2006

Derek Broughton wrote:

>vilaweb casamance wrote:
>>Yes we have a diferent chipset. But I'm traying to get the same
>>resolution than you in may labtop. I have i915GM with 1280x800
>>widescreen in clone labtop (AHTEC) and I'm working with 1024x768 because
>>I can't choise.
>Here's your problem:
>>Section "Monitor"
>>    Modeline    "1280x800 at 60" 83.91 1280 1312 1624 1656 800 816 824 841
>>Section "Screen"
>>    SubSection "Display"
>>        Depth        1
>>        Modes        "1280x800"
>You've _got_ to use the same names for your modes!  You've called it
>1280x800 at 60, so that's the mode to use.
Thanks Derek!
I try it but I'm with the same problem.
But I think my problem is with 915resolution.
when I execute 915resolution l-, I don't have the option of 1280x800.
Somebody knows how to add this option?

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