breezy keyboard woes

Kevin C. Smith kevin at
Mon Jan 2 18:06:20 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 19:46 +0200, Zoltan Szecsei wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone tell me what I can try to do to get my keyboard working under X?
> It works fine on the console so I ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and 
> re-sensed everything including keyboard & mouse.
> The symptom I get is that I cannot type my user name at the login splash 
> screen, nor can I get to a console (cntl-alt-f1) - but I can turn the 
> numslock & capslock lights on & off, so the keyboard is responding.
> The mouse is active so I can reboot & intercept grub & load a recovery 
> system.
> Any pointers welcome.
> TIA,
> Zoltan

Is the keyboard unusual in any way?
If you are using USB, maybe use an adapter and connect via ps2 port.

I can't say I've seen this issue in 10 years of using Linux.

Kevin C. Smith

When an objection cannot be made formidable, there is some policy in
trying to make it frightful; and to substitute the yell and the 
war-whoop, in the place of reason, argument, and good order.
                                                     -- Thomas Paine

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