wep & give up ubuntu

John Richard Moser nigelenki at comcast.net
Fri Feb 24 17:07:47 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1


Hit the wireless card, pick the network you want to connect to, enable
WEP, and enter in the key.

Camuzat Sebastien wrote:
> Hi everyone !
> Im very disappointed because I will have to give up
> ubuntu, on my 2 computers. 
> In fact within a few days, Ill move my computers in a
> place where internet connexion is wireless only.
> Under Ubuntu I did not solve the wep encryption, and I
> do not want to deactivate (wep) encryption.
> Ive tried gtkwifi, kwifimanager, tips given in this
> mailing-list, nothing works. Two cards, one intersil
> recognized out of the box, the other works with
> ndiswrapper.
> My router does not allow dhcp when the signal is
> encrypted by ubuntu.
> Seb
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