Is Ubuntu giving up on the PPC platform?

Larry Grover lgrover at
Wed Feb 15 12:42:37 UTC 2006

Brian Durant wrote:
> Adam Conrad wrote:
>> Brian Durant wrote:
>>> So far, as per yesterday's Kubuntu Dapper PPC daily build, the issue is
>>> the same. My box came out in '04... is that new???
>> I only fixed the bug in dapper a few hours ago, so you'll either need to
>> upgrade that installation, or if you're testing LiveCDs, wait a day or
>> two for a successful build with the new initramfs-tools.
> Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh at> wrote:
>  >> Hi Peter,
>  >>
>  >> No, I have a G5 tower 1.8 GHz. single.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > If it's a PowerMac9,1, you need to use the new windfarm module, more
>  > specifically the windfarm_pm91 control module.
>  >
>  > /proc/cpuinfo should tell you what model it is.
>  >
>  > Ben.
> /proc/cpuinfo returned:
> "sudo: /proc/cpuinfo: command not found"

The files under /proc are not executable.  Try:
cat /proc/cpuinfo

> sudo modprobe windfarm_pm91 returned:
> "$ sudo modprobe windfarm_pm91
> FATAL: Module windfarm_pm91 not found."

Are the modules you need missing from the kernel you have?

What happens if you run this command:
find /lib/modules/ -name "windfarm*"

Does it report any files?

You might also try searching for the other modules you were trying to load:
find /lib/modules/ -name "i2c*"
find /lib/modules/ -name "therm*"

> Cheers,
> Brian


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