Is Ubuntu giving up on the PPC platform?

Brian Durant RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com
Sat Feb 11 23:31:02 UTC 2006

On 11. feb 2006, at 21.51, Peter Garrett wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Feb 2006 17:34:59 +0100
> Brian Durant <RoadTripDK at MyRealBox.Com> wrote:
>> I have seen a number of postings about resources for PowerPC users
>> that have been pulled, there is no PPC Ubuntu list and it seems
>> almost impossible to find any PPC Ubuntu/Kubuntu users on this list.
> There are a few. I have an iBook running Ubuntu 5.10, for instance.
>> I can see that development of Dapper is continuing apace, but as long
>> as there isn't a resolution for the thermal and fan control issues
>> for G5 single towers (like mine), iMac G5 and G5 tower multi-
>> processor systems, I am starting to wonder if the PPC platform is
>> still considered viable for Ubuntu since Apple's switch to Intel?
> As far as I know, there's no change.
>> Is
>> there a serious effort being made to continue PPC development, or are
>> we orphans now?
> Several developers use ppc and I'm sure they are continuing to work  
> hard
> on PPC :-)
>> As far as I can see, from his e-mails on debian-
>> powerpc at, benh at seems to think
>> that they have the problem more or less sussed (for my G5 tower
>> anyway), yet there doesn't seem to be a kernel update for Breezy yet
>> and Dapper still has the same problem with thermal control.
> I'm not sure if this is relevant, since I don't know about G5, but you
> might look at
> 27269
> and perhaps search Launchpad for other G5 bugs?
>> I am not
>> trying to be irritating, I'm just trying to get a straight answer. So
>> far I just keep getting the echo of my own voice.
> Well, perhaps no one knows the answer, on this list at least...
> Peter

Thanks for the informative reply. It sounds like the situation is  
better than I feared. It is of course totally justified if one  
doesn't know the answer. I was mainly worried that I was the only (K) 
Ubuntu PPC user left 8-)


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