Dual head xorg

Paul Kaplan pkaplan1 at comcast.net
Thu Feb 2 01:39:44 UTC 2006

I'm running a Thinkpad T40 with a Radeon M7 7500 video card.  On xorg up to 
6.8.2, I had an xorg.conf file that enabled dual head to create a virtual 
desktop across the laptop LCD and an external LCD screen.  I tried xorg 6.9 
with another distro and the external LCD isn't being sent a signal.  (The 
virtual desktop exists, but, as I said, no signal is sent to the external 
monitor and thus half of my desktop is inaccessible.)

I'm wondering whether anyone here has a similar video setup and whether anyone 
has tried xorg 6.9 or 7.0 and gotten dual head to run successfully.
If so, please also append your xorg.conf file.

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