USB Stick with Password under Linux

Steve Jeppesen ampster40 at
Sun Dec 31 15:43:03 UTC 2006

On Sun, 31 Dec 2006 15:49:50 +0200
Amichai Rotman wrote:

> That "cd-rom type" is the U3 fs containing pre-loaded apps to be used
> anywhere you plug it in. It is actually supposed to be like this. If
> you don't like it - you should've purchased another model....
> The reason it's impossible to delete the apps is because they are
> hard coded to the hardware and the files copied are the ones it needs
> as read / write access....
> Amichai.

yeah, too bad I couldn't like try it out at the store huh?  Otherwise I
would have never suspected that something I buy like that has that
"feature" if you want to call it that.

I can live with it.

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