Home IMAP server

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 09:23:28 UTC 2006

On 28/12/06, Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
> > Ah, I did not realize that sent mail would be reported back to the
> > IMAP server. Very nice.
> Not _by default_ but certainly an option.

Very good.

> >> > 5) If I continue using bogofilter in Kmail, it will only filter the
> >> > mail on that machine. Or, is there a way to have bogofilter in the
> >> > IMAP server itself? That way it will learn from when I tag ham/spam on
> >> > both machines.
> You wouldn't put bogofilter in the IMAP server - it would go in the MTA or
> MDA.  I haven't tried it with postfix, but I used to do it with
> Spamassassin and Exim (very slow...).  If you were going the MDA route, you
> could even pipe the whole thing through bogofilter before dropping it in
> the MDA.

Please, forgive the question. To what are you refering with MTA and
MDA? This comment seems to imply that they are mutually exclusive. I'm
now re-confused. Which programs are MTA's and which are MDA's? In my
point of view, postfix transfers and delivers email.

> > Yes, my problem exacty. I didn't even know to start googling postfix
> > unti lI was it mentioned. And English terminology is so inconsistent-
> > why can't everyone just speak Hebrew?!? :)
> LOL.  Isn't the technical jargon just English in Hebrew characters?

Depends on who's speaking. Some people use English or Russian words
with Hebrew prononciation, but most people, like myself, use the real
Hebrew words. It's very annoying to hear English words in the middle
of a Hebrew sentance. :)

Dotan Cohen


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