Nvidia: need advise: FX 5500 or GF 6200 ?

R Kimber rkimber at ntlworld.com
Thu Dec 28 21:09:09 UTC 2006

On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 21:09:39 +0100
Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

> Obviously the most important factor is also how these cards behave in
> Ubuntu, are there any problem with either of them, that would make it
> a bad choice/no go, like screen corruption ? Open GL programs
> crashing ? Random system freezes or any lovely such things ?

6200 works fine for me.  I've had no system freezes or crashes that I
could attribute to the card, but I don't do much 3D.  (amd64x2, Ubuntu

- Richard.
Richard Kimber

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