Problems with new iPod and Edgy

Mark Loeser mark at
Wed Dec 27 03:18:24 UTC 2006

Ed Smits <ed.smits at> said:
> My daughter got a brand new 4GB iPod nano for Christmas and we can't
> get it working with her new Edgy - the system sees the iPod but
> doesn't mount it. When I plug in either of the other 2 nanos (a 2GB
> and a 4 GB one) here they get mounted automatically, not her new one.
> Watching the activity in Device Manager as we plug and unplug the
> various iPods -
> all show up under the USB EHCI Host Controller entry - SCSI Device -
> iPod, however the new iPod is listed as "Volume (via_raid_member)"
> whereas the 2 older ones are listed by their names as assigned to them
> in iTunes in XP when the iPods were first initialised. The new iPod
> has also been initialised via iTunes in the same way.
> Any ideas as to why the names isn't being properly recognized and the
> iPod being auto-mounted?
> Cheers. Hope I get an answer soon - she returns home in a week and I
> promised her that Ubuntu could handle it all, so far this is the only
> sticky issue.

Actually got the same exact iPod yesterday, and saw the same exact
"via_raid_member" :)  I don't automatically mount all of my stuff, so
I'm not sure about that part, but you can definitely mount it manually
by just specifying the filesystem as well, for example:

sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda2 /media/ipod/

Whenever I did not specify vfat I got saw the nice "via_raid_member".

Hope that helps somewhat,

Mark Loeser
email         -   mark AT halcy0n DOT com
web           -
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